Real Estate/HOA Law
Is your homeowners association (HOA) giving you grief? If so, Danielle is here to help. An HOA often has abundant financial access and expensive lawyers that you don’t have (but which you are helping to pay for). This can be intimidating and frustrating for homeowners to challenge them. We are here to HELP YOU. Even if your assessments are behind, we can often get you on the right track again. Are you being harassed for violations of the CC&RS? Do you have damage to your Unit from a common area leak which the HOA refuses to pay for despite having caused it? My mission is to save your home and your sanity, without taking you to the cleaners and preventing any prolonged distress.
I have a niche practice representing homeowners in disputes with HOAs. I work with homeowners all over Southern California. I’m here to help you! I truly love what I do.
I’ve been practicing HOA law for 18 years. The first four years I represented HOAs, and learned that while HOAs have deep pockets to buy representation (your money!), homeowners have limited options. HOA law is complex and specialized. Homeowners need lawyers with the expertise to navigate through it. I will navigate through it for you! My experience includes:
- In San Bernardino court, Danielle represented homeowners at trial when their HOA was suing them for thousands of dollars for failure to get their backyard landscaping approved. We tried the case and won with an award of attorney’s fees to Danielle’s clients.
- In Orange County court, Danielle successfully negotiated a settlement with a homeowners association at the 11th hour when her client was about to lose his home to foreclosure. He had lost his job after the downturn in the economy and fell behind with his assessments, incurring late fees, interest at 12 percent, and exorbitant HOA attorney’s fees. The HOA demanded more than $50,000 total, but we settled the case –so her client could sell his property free and clear.
- In San Diego, Danielle helped a homeowner complete his architectural approval package for hardwood floors by writing a letter to his association citing California law that permits a variance for an accessibility issue for hardwood floors that were not permitted by his HOA. He had tried previously on three occasions. With Danielle’s assistance, his application was approved.
- In Los Angeles court, Danielle successfully sued an HOA for wrongfully terminating her client’s voting rights in retaliation for making complaints about the Board of Directors. Before trial, her client’s voting rights were reinstated, and the HOA agreed to reimburse all of his attorney’s fees. A new board was instilled shortly thereafter with a great result for the homeowners.
- In Orange County, Danielle helped a client negotiate with a notoriously strict homeowners association to get them agree to reduce my client’s past-due assessments, agree to a monthly payment plan, and remove the assessment lien on their home.
- In Riverside County, Danielle helped settle a six-figure water damage case against the client’s HOA where the HOA failed to maintain the plumbing in the condominium complex. After a massive water leak destroyed the clients’ properties, the HOA agreed to reimburse them for their damages and their attorney’s fees – all before trial.
*Results are representative and do not guarantee any particular result in your matter.
I am a litigator but I also help navigate board member problems, unfair violation notices/hearings, your association’s spending, recall elections, dispute resolution, architectural approval processes, neighbor disputes, document requests, the length of your grass or color of your fence, and so much more.
Even if your assessments are behind and the HOA is making foreclosure threats, we can get you free and clear. I also help with pre-foreclosure, non-judicial foreclosures and post-foreclosure debts. Let’s try and save your home!
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